Unlock lots of benefits when you log into your Subway MyWay Rewards. With your account, you get special deals, quick checkouts, and can easily check your rewards and what you’ve bought.

Log Into Your MyWay Account

Here’s how to sign in quickly:

  1. Visit page subway.com and click the Profile icon.
  2. Fill in your email and the passcode you chose when you signed up.
  3. Click the SIGN IN button.
Myway authorization form with two input fields

If It Says Your Info Isn't Right:

  • Make sure you typed everything correctly.
  • If it’s still not working, press Forgot Password?.
    • Put in your email and hit Next.
    • You’ll get an email with a code. Use that code on the next page and click NEXT.

Didn’t Get The Email? Check your spam or junk folder first. No luck? Ask for a new code.

Sign Up for a MyWay Account

If it's your first time:

  1. Visit portal order.subway.com/signup or find the Profile icon on Subway's homepage and click to create a new account.
  2. Fill in: name, email, make a password, pick your country, and add your phone number.
  3. Say yes if you want emails about special deals from Subway.
  4. Click SIGN UP to finish setting up.

Other Tips

  • Code Not In Your Inbox?
    Check spam folders or ask for a new code.
  • Can't Log In After Many Tries?
    Wait a bit then try resetting your password with SEND ME ANOTHER CODE.
  • Email Login Issues?
    Make sure you're using the same email linked to your Subway account if resetting passwords.
  • Keep Your Login Safe.
    Don’t share your sign-in details with others to keep your rewards safe.

Last revised on June 11th, 2024.

By: author Rebecca Mombrun Rebecca