A footlong sandwich against a vibrant green background

A footlong sandwich for only $6.99 is a great option for a meal for one person at a good price. All you need is a promo code, we'll post it a little later.

Would you like to get a Sub Deal?

  1. First, find the nearest restaurant or place your order online; use the site.
  2. Choose your favorite sandwich from the many options available.
  3. When you check out, enter promo code FL699 to get deal.
order summary

Remember: this code allows you to get one discounted Footlong per order.

Which Sandwiches Are Included?

The footlongs you can choose from include:

  • Meatball Marinara
  • Spicy Italian
  • Veggie Delight

Plus many others...

Don't forget to check the menu or ask the team which sandwiches are eligible for the $6.99 deal.

Important Details

  • To get the discount, use code 6.99 footlong at checkout.
  • You can't mix promotions together.
  • You'll see the best savings when you pay; you always save the most on your order.

Remember! The FL699 code is special and doesn't work with other offers.

The coupon was last successfully used on June 20th, 2024.

By: author Rebecca Mombrun Rebecca