3 different footlongs

Now you can buy 3 of your favorite footlong sandwiches for $17.99 for yourself and your friends.

How to Get This Deal

You should:

  1. First, go to your nearest restaurant or visit their website.
  2. Select 3 footlongs that you want from the list.
  3. Enter code FTL1799 at checkout on the last step.
Example of order with price $19.59

Remember! Make sure you enter FTL1799 correctly to make sure you get your discount.

Example Order Summary

  • The original price of your order before deals or promotions is applied: $36.87.
  • The discount applied to your order, based on the current promotion: -$18.88.
  • After you get your discount, but before any tax or extra fees, you owe $17.99.
  • Then, there are extra charges - $1.60.
  • In the end, you will need to pay $19.59.

The coupon's active status is confirmed for June 18th, 2024.

By: author Rebecca Mombrun Rebecca